New type velashape weight loss machine  information

Patented Technology – Electro Optical Synergy

1.Combined with bi-polar RF and IR energy; the vacuum suction coordinated with mechanical rollers

2.The RF and IR generate heat, increasing the oxygen content of skin cells.

3.The special vacuum roller massage soothes the skin and makes the heat conduction effect better.

4.It increases the metabolic rate effectively and reduces fat accumulation through

lymphatic drainage.

It increases the skin tissue elasticity and makes the skin more smooth and delicate.

The Advantages of Instrument Velashape

  1. It is the first body sculpting and firming instrument first verified by U.S. With the purpose of improving Cellulite and reducing fat accumulation effectively;
  2. It is unanimously recommended by World Medical Organization;
  3. It is the slimming instrument sought after by many Hollywood stars and reported in many European and American magazines;
  4. It combines light and radio frequency interaction and lowers the impedance of the radio frequency from the epidermis;
  5. It eliminates the influence of therapeutic effects due to body resistance force;
  6. The energy is concentrated in the treatment of epithelial tissue and connective tissue;
  7. It adopts Bi-polar and polar radio frequency to improve the treatment of security;
  8. The 5MHZ RF penetrates the skin depth with 15mm, which effectively treats adipose tissue;
  9. The vacuum roller absorbs the skin tissue, which leads the radio frequency and infrared light into a further treatment;
  10. The light and radio frequency can be controlled separately;
  11. The immediate effect is obvious and the long-term efficacy could be predicted;
  12. It is a non-invasive treatment with a comfortable process;
  13. There are more than 10,000 women adopting Velashape care every day.

Small Applicator

Used for small areas such as the flanks, calves and arms, and to reinforce the results of the Large Applicator.

Large Applicator

Used for large areas such as the thighs, buttocks or abdomen.

Synergistic Use of Energies-The VelaSmooth Pro device employs four treatment modalities

-Infrared light heats the tissue up to 2mm depth.

-Radio Frequency (RF) heats tissue from 5 to ~ 15mm depth.

-Vacuum +/- massage mechanisms enable precise targeting of energy to the tissue.

-Mechanical massage provides lymphatic drainage (dermal and hypodermal ).

Biological Impact of Treatment –Increased -abolism leading to demarcated desired ana-bolic and catabolic alterations at predeter-mined skin components and depths.


1. Body slimming, contouring & shaping

2. Cellulite reduction

3. Skin Tightening

4. Wrinkle Removal

5. Warm Massage

6.Eyelid area treatment

Mechanical Manipulation (Vacuum +/- Massage mechanism)

a. Stimulates lymphatic and blood circulation

b. Facilitates fibroblast activity

c. Reduces viscosity of fat cell clusters

d. Promotes vasodilation and extravasation of oxygen and nutrients

e. Enables heating at different depths

Heating (infrared + radio frequency energies)

a. Enhances blood circulation and increases oxygen dissociation from oxyhemoglobin

b. Facilitates fibroblast activity

c. Increases metabolism of fat cells

d. Improves skin texture

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